Monday 5 November 2012

Duelling Paintbrushes 2: Day 5

Oh, I'm much happier with my progress now. Progress has been made on the first 10 arrer boys and 10 goblins.

I've made a good start on my arrer boys, the first ten are off the line with all of the 'neutral' colours finished and washed (drying as I type- inking is a natural place to stop on a batch!). After this, they'll need the accent colour (yellow for this unit, so in the end I'll have a unit of yellow and a unit of pink arrer boys- this pattern will repeat across the whole army) and their cloaks to be whitened.
Apologies about the quick and nasty photos.

Goblins are at pre-inking stage, with skin and cloaks done. They will only need a small belt of accent (pink for the goblins), and their cloaks were done first, as they are predominately white model so ink and dry-brush was easiest. I touched up the tops of their heads to get a really strong white where you see it.

Basing will be done at the very end.

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