Sunday, 22 February 2015

Bolt Action Melbourne in February

BAMF! February 8th saw The Old Man Morin running another of his Bolt Action tournaments, and he roped me into helping him run it. OK, truth be told; I have a bit of an obsession with Excel and any chance to over-engineer a spreadsheet to deal with players is an opportunity not to be missed. But I digress: the day was about the playing and the players.

Building the Kedorian Battleship

I recently picked up a Kedorian support boxed set. It contains a battleship and two cruisers. My initial observation was that they're awesomely huge! My second observation was that they look like some of the most fiddly Spartan figures I've ever assembled, so I thought I'd document my progress so anyone following could benefit from my experience. 

Saturday, 7 February 2015

Lots of FSA Progress!

Wow! So much to report on over the last week or two. Firstly, my starter box arrived (finally!) and that means I have nearly doubled my existing fleet. I got my first game in against Mass last week. I've painted up the new stuff and I finished my comets!